Manchester Ghd Repairs Service
If you live in Manchester or any of the surrounding areas and your ghds need
repairing then we offer a premiere service for you. Our customer services are
first class and are here to take your calls and emails, always happy to help.
Ghd Repairs Manchester saves you 75%
The average price of new ghd hair straighteners can be around £100, thats a
lot of wonga! If you want to save some money then use our ghd repair service
which inlcuded benefits like full guarantee, quality workmanship, free return
postage and a bunch of other stuff.
Happy Hair Days!

Help Line 07515 747007
High Quality GHD Repairs
- £25 Fixed Price - All Models - All Faults
- GHDs Repaired Same Day
- FREE Return 1st Class Recorded Delivery
- No Payment Upfront
- Fully Guaranteed and PAT Tested
- No Fix - No Fee
Book Online Now!
Author: Caroline Thornton